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Sustainability Dashboards to Identify Green options to host workloads in the Datacenter 

Feb 15, 2021 02:25 PM


This is an add-on to the earlier published Sustainability dashboards in the blog: in which you will get two dashboards - Environmental Savings and Environmental Impact. These dashboards were focused on showcasing power savings and CO2 emission with compute virtualization. Also, shows how much power is wasted by Idle VMs and number of trees to plant to offset this CO2 emissions by Idle VMs. ( Refer to )

I have added two more dashboards to the above :

Dashboard#1 : Green Datacenter dashboard -  showcase the power savings and CO2 emissions avoided by virtualization

Dashboard#2 :Identify Green options to host workload - Give options for Cluster, Host or datacenter or Host model based on lowest power usage.


Steps to deploy dashboards:

Pre-requisite: Make sure all the dashboards are deployed and fully functional from above blog post -


1. Extract the attached custom content to get below six files:

  1. "Sus-SM-DBII.json" - 5 x Super metrics required for the dashboards.
  2. "Sustainability Views" - 2 x Custom Views built for the dashboards
  3. "Green dashboards.json" - 2 x Custom dashboards
  4. "CG for Hosts Model-sample.json" - Custom groups created for Hosts model and used in the widget in Dashboard#2. This is a sample custom group which needs configurations based on your environment.
  5. "Edit Custom Group for Host Model.png"-  Screenshot on steps to edit custom group as per the environment.
  6. "Readme.txt" - configuration steps for dashboard.

2. Import Super Metrics (Sus-SM-DBII.json ) and enable in the relevant policy(s) for objects - vSphere World and Function

3. Import the sample custom groups (CG for Hosts Model-sample.json) and edit based on Hosts model available ( Refer to Edit Custom Group for Host Model.png)

4. Import custom views (Sustainability Views

5. Import Custom dashboards (Green dashboards.json)

Two widgets in Dashboard#2 will need additional configurations:

  1. Geo-tagging of relevant objects in the widget -Which is the most Green datacenter?
  2. Edit the imported sample custom groups to use the relevant Host Models based on your environment

Disclaimer: In the above dashboards, "green" hosts and clusters are identified based on Power usage metrics ONLY which are collected by vRealize Operations. Also, power savings are calculated only for compute, the actual savings could be even more as virtualizing more workloads will result in  lesser Storage and Network  devices requirements, and this further lowering the power consumption in the datacenter.


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