Skyline CLI will enable customers to fully automate the configuration and operations of Skyline collectors.\\r\\n\\r\\nsupported Skyline collector version\\r\\n\\r\\nSkyline CLI features:\\r\\n\\r\\n- deployment and configure a new Skyline collector based on a provided config JSON file\\r\\n- add, update, delete Endpoints of the Skyline collector\\r\\n- set the Root password policy of the Skyline collector\\r\\n- enable disable autoupdate of the Skyline collector\\r\\n- set friendly name of the Skyline collector\\r\\n- set proxy of the Skyline collector\\r\\n- update the Skyline collector\\r\\n- register the Skyline collector\\r\\n- get the status of the Skyline collector\\r\\n- monitor endpoints using vrops\\r\\n- monitoring and notifications via Slack\\r\\n\\r\\nFurther details can be found in the instructions PDF.#skylinecli#skyline#MIT#Go#VMwareSkylineAdvisorPro