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Running Contour as Ingress on Enterprise PKS k8s clusters with NSX-T 

Apr 02, 2019 07:58 PM

Tutorial for running Contour on Enterprise PKS

Running Contour as Ingress on PKS k8s clusters with NSX-T


Before performing the procedures in this topic, you must have installed and configured the following:

  • PKS v1.2+
  • NSX-T v2.3+
  • A PKS plan with at least 1 master and 2 worker nodes
  • Make sure that the k8s cluster is deployed with priviliged access


Contour is an Ingress controller for Kubernetes that works by deploying the Envoy proxy as a reverse proxy and load balancer. Unlike other Ingress controllers, Contour supports dynamic configuration updates out of the box while maintaining a lightweight profile.

Install Contour

Follow the steps below to run Contour on k8s, side by side NSX-T. Contour will use NSX-T LB's virtual server to expose Contour as a service type LoadBalancer. Contour will be performing the ingress functionality. NSX-T will be acting as a L4 LB and will just be forwarding all the traffic to Contour.

Step 1: Create the Contour Deployment and the Service

In this tutorial, we will deploy Contour as a deployment. For more complex deployment configuration, please refer the Contour github deployment-options page.

We will use the command below to deploy Contour including the Namespace, ServiceAccount, RBAC rules, Cnotour deployment and service. Run the following command from within the contour-ingress directory.

$ kubectl apply -f deployment/.

There are 4 files in the deployment folder

  • 01-common.yaml: Creates the heptio-contour Namespace and a ServiceAccount.
  • 02-rbac.yaml: Creates the RBAC rules for Contour. The Contour RBAC permissions are the minimum required for Contour to operate.
  • 02-contour.yaml: Runs the Contour pods with either the DaemonSet or the Deployment. See Architecture for pod details.
  • 02-service.yaml: Creates the Service object so that Contour can be reached from outside the cluster.

Step 2: Check the Contour PODs

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l app=contour
    NAMESPACE        NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    heptio-contour   contour-86d66889d9-l5rbd   2/2     Running   0          107s
    heptio-contour   contour-86d66889d9-rvbl9   2/2     Running   0          107s

The status of Contour PODs is Running which means the Contour was deployed susccessfully

Step 3: Retrieve Contour's IP

Run the following command to get Contour's IP

$ kubectl get -n heptio-contour service contour -o wide
    NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP               PORT(S)                      AGE     SELECTOR
    contour   LoadBalancer,   80:30222/TCP,443:30468/TCP   2m29s   app=contour

Note down the external IP of the ingress-nginx for your environment. In this case, the Contour ingress can be reached at and is listening on port 80 and 443.

Step 4: Deploying the cafe application

  1. Executing the following commands to deploy the cafe application

    $ kubectl apply -f complete-example/cafe.yaml
        deployment.extensions/coffee created
        service/coffee-svc created
        deployment.extensions/tea created
        service/tea-svc created
    $ kubectl apply -f complete-example/cafe-secret.yml
        secret/cafe-secret created
  2. Deploy the ingress resource for cafe application. Make sure to change the host and hosts value in complete-example/cafe-ingress.yml file to reflect your environment

    $ kubectl apply -f complete-example/cafe-ingress.yml
        ingress.extensions/cafe-ingress created

    Note that there is a annotation in the file ' "contour"' which is essentially being listened by Contour on the api server. When Contour sees this annotation, it does the ingress for this service.

  3. Check the POD status to verify that cafe application deployed successfully

    $ kubectl get pods
        NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
        coffee-56668d6f78-lrj4b   1/1     Running   0          49s
        coffee-56668d6f78-q592g   1/1     Running   0          49s
        tea-85f8bf86fd-959fl      1/1     Running   0          49s
        tea-85f8bf86fd-qxzhd      1/1     Running   0          49s
        tea-85f8bf86fd-v2hqj      1/1     Running   0          49s

    All pods are showing Running which shows that cafe application was deployed successfully

Step 5: Testing connectivity using the cafe application deployed in step 4

The following commands will test the connectivity externally to verify that our cafe application is reachable using the nginx ingress LB.

  1. Populate the IC_IP and IC_HTTPS_PORT variable for the ingress controller. The ingress controller ip(IC_IP) was retrieved in step 5. The cafe application is using port 443 for https traffic

    $ IC_IP=
    $ IC_HTTPS_PORT=443
  2. Test the coffe PODs

    Issue the command below to curl your PODs. Note that there is coffee in the url which nginx controller is using to direct traffic to the coffee backend PODs. Issuing the command multiple time round robins the request to the 2 coffee backend PODs as defined in cafe.yaml. The Server address field in the curl output identifies the backend POD fullfilling the request

    $ curl --resolve cafe.lab.local:$IC_HTTPS_PORT:$IC_IP https://cafe.lab.local:$IC_HTTPS_PORT/coffee --insecure
    Server address:
    Server name: coffee-56668d6f78-lrj4b
    Date: 28/Mar/2019:19:50:04 +0000
    URI: /coffee
    Request ID: e9f873fcd53e1e6003265c3b872495bb
    $ curl --resolve cafe.lab.local:$IC_HTTPS_PORT:$IC_IP https://cafe.lab.local:$IC_HTTPS_PORT/coffee --insecure
    Server address:
    Server name: coffee-56668d6f78-q592g
    Date: 28/Mar/2019:19:50:40 +0000
    URI: /coffee
    Request ID: 16fa6f2dbc659ddd6bbf6b4fdfe2bbc0
  3. Test the tea PODs

    The cafe.yaml file deployed 3 replicas of the tea POD so issuing the curl command multiple time distributes the request on these 3 PODs. This can be verified using the Server address field in the outputs below.

    $ curl --resolve cafe.lab.local:$IC_HTTPS_PORT:$IC_IP https://cafe.lab.local:$IC_HTTPS_PORT/tea --insecure
    Server address:
    Server name: tea-85f8bf86fd-v2hqj
    Date: 28/Mar/2019:19:51:45 +0000
    URI: /tea
    Request ID: aa380175548d98dfccedafa83ad71a70
    $ curl --resolve cafe.lab.local:$IC_HTTPS_PORT:$IC_IP https://cafe.lab.local:$IC_HTTPS_PORT/tea --insecure
    Server address:
    Server name: tea-85f8bf86fd-959fl
    Date: 28/Mar/2019:19:51:47 +0000
    URI: /tea
    Request ID: d1f953d554e14aac087c5df5cbe67bfd
    $ curl --resolve cafe.lab.local:$IC_HTTPS_PORT:$IC_IP https://cafe.lab.local:$IC_HTTPS_PORT/tea --insecure
    Server address:
    Server name: tea-85f8bf86fd-qxzhd
    Date: 28/Mar/2019:19:51:48 +0000
    URI: /tea
    Request ID: 605d1cebbf6697f1584c656cdd65ba6d

    Alternatively, a DNS entry can be added for cafe.lab.local(hostname used in my environment) to map to to access the url directly from the browser.



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