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python API script to provision VCEs in both VCO and AWS 

Mar 03, 2021 07:28 AM

Simple python script that leverages vmware sd-wan orchestrator rest api and aws boto3 to deploy a virtual edge in AWS.

Very simple script that leverages VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator API and AWS SDK for python. It provisions a new profile and a new virtual vmware sd-wan edge (VCE) in the VMware SD-WAN #Orchestrator (VCO)

It will change the edge device settings shown below to be compatible with the cloudformation template vlan1 ip, ge2 as routed with public auto overlay, and ge3 routed with no overlay)

After provisioning the VCE, the script builds a green field cf template, populates its parameters and launch a AWS cloudformation stack.

Original template can be found here: author: David Wight


VMware SD-WAN: Orchestrator Target Enterprise admin account Enterprise user and user VCO API token

AWS: Amazon Web Services (AWS) CLI credentials Python Modules: os, sys, requests, json , boto3 (AWS SDK for Python)

more information about what is being built can be found here: Not to be considered as best practices in using VMware VCO API Meant to be used in Lab environments - Please test it and use at your own risk

please note that there's no guarantee or support from both author and VMware for this samples It is provided - AS IS - i.e. while we are glad to answer questions about API usage and behavior generally speaking, VMware cannot and do not specifically support these scripts

Compatible with api v1 of the vmware sd-wan vco api using tokens to authenticate


Simple python script that leverages vmware sd-wan orchestrator rest api and aws boto3 to deploy a virtual edge in AWS.

Very simple script that leverages VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator API and AWS SDK for python. It provisions a new profile and a new virtual vmware sd-wan edge (VCE) in the VMware SD-WAN #Orchestrator (VCO)

It will change the edge device settings shown below to be compatible with the cloudformation template vlan1 ip, ge2 as routed with public auto overlay, and ge3 routed with no overlay)

After provisioning the VCE, the script builds a green field cf template, populates its parameters and launch a AWS cloudformation stack.

Original template can be found here: author: David Wight


VMware SD-WAN: Orchestrator Target Enterprise admin account Enterprise user and user VCO API token

AWS: Amazon Web Services (AWS) CLI credentials Python Modules: os, sys, requests, json , boto3 (AWS SDK for Python)

more information about what is being built can be found here: Not to be considered as best practices in using VMware VCO API Meant to be used in Lab environments - Please test it and use at your own risk

please note that there's no guarantee or support from both author and VMware for this samples It is provided - AS IS - i.e. while we are glad to answer questions about API usage and behavior generally speaking, VMware cannot and do not specifically support these scripts

Compatible with api v1 of the vmware sd-wan vco api using tokens to authenticate


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