Postman collection for the Horizon REST API - documented here:
Download Postman at:
Directions on how to import a Postman Collection:
Works with Horizon 7.10 and later
Postman Collection for VMware Horizon REST API REST API for VMware Horizon 7.10 and later
Install Postman from
Either click the "Run in Postman" button (preferred) or Import the appropriate Postman JSON collection file into Postman
Edit the collection - enter the following on the Variables Tab:
Click Update to save the variables
Run the Login request to get the JSON Web Token - you can now run the other requests in the collection until the JWT expires.
Make sure all requests are set to "Inherit Auth From Parent" under the authorization tab.
Download the collection for your installed version of Horizon
Chris Halstead - Senior Staff Technical Product Manager, VMware Email: Twitter: @chrisdhalstead