Program to override vCLS default VM placement and allow/disallow vCLS VM placement on specific datastores. vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS) is a new feature in vSphere 7.0 Update 1. This feature ensures cluster services such as vSphere DRS and vSphere HA are all available to maintain the resources and health of the workloads running in the clusters independent of the vCenter Server instance availability. In vSphere 7.0 Update 1, VMware has released a platform/framework to facilitate them to run independently of the vCenter Server instance availability. In this release, vCenter Server is still required for running cluster services such as vSphere DRS, vSphere HA etc. vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS) VM datastore location is chosen by a default datastore selection logic. To override the default vCLS VM datastore placement for a cluster, you can specify a set of allowed datastores. NOTE: Some datastores cannot be selected for vCLS because they are blocked by solutions like SRM or vSAN maintenance mode where vCLS cannot be configured. Users cannot add or remove Solution blocked datastores for vCLS VMs.#MIT#Java#Cluster#vSphereManagementSDK#vSphereClusterServices#vSphere#vSphere#vCLS