Provides command line option to update the application or desktop pool status as enabled or disabled.
When to Use: To restrict end user connections to application/desktop pools by disabling it and leaving user entitlements as it is.
Note: Global Entitlement would still get listed to end users. When there is not resource found in connection server because of disabled status, it returns appropriate error to end users.
c:\test\HorizonUtils>HorizonPool.cmd -help
HorizonPool -PoolName "NotePadPlusPlus" -enable
HorizonPool -PoolName "Windows10" -disable
Note: This command line utility requires an elevated privilege to run it. It works only from within Horizon Connection Server machine. Do not recommend it running from outside the Connection Server machine by modifying the script server address.
Horizon 8.1 or later has application pool disable or enable functionality in Horizon console. There is no need of this external script.