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Copy Persistent Disk 

Jul 16, 2020 01:51 PM

Script to migrate Horizon Persistent Disk data to a network share and then copy the data back after a migration from Persistent Disk.


Chris Halstead / Josh Spencer - VMware

Version 1.5

July 16, 2020


This script is designed to be run at logon and logoff both on a Persistent Disk pool and after the migration to Instant Clones.


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Copy-Persistent-Disk.ps1   9 KB   1 version
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Feb 25, 2021 04:43 PM

Hi Chris, how can I add exclusions for files and folders in the script? Also it's grabbing the local Administrator profiles from the persistent disks, is there a way to exclude that?

Oct 08, 2020 01:35 PM

it does create a folder for each user. It should be run with something like DEM to run under the context of each user - per user. It will detect a persistent disk, the copy all persistent disk data to a central location (folder for each user) and then copy back after they have been migrated off of the persistent disk. I need to add more instructions on the page and will do that this week.
The detailed details on usage are covered here: Modernizing VDI for a New Horizon | VMware

Oct 07, 2020 02:16 PM

script copies user profiles, but it places all folders from users E:\ drives (persistent disk) in one place is there anyway to create folder for each user profile or we should run script only for one user ?

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