This file includes sample code to configure a vSAN cluster as a Stretched Cluster or 2 Node configuration.
The code has been tested with the following cases
Testbed: One cluster with four hosts. Each host has one 50G SSD and two 100G SSD
Case1: Create a streched cluster with two fault domains f1 and f2 with virtual witness host
python -s <VCENTERSERVER> -u administrator@vsphere.local -p **** --preferdomain f1 --seconddomain f2 --ovfurl 'http://server/VMware-VirtualSAN-Witness-6.0.0.update02-3620759.ovf' --witness-vmhost <ESXIHOST> --witness-datastore vsanDatastore --witness-vmname witness --witness-vmpassword **** --witnessdc VSAN-DC --witness-vmdatacenter VSAN-DC
Case2: Create streched cluster with two fault domains f1 and f2 with physical witness host
python -s <VCENTERSERVER> -u administrator@vsphere.local -p **** --preferdomain f1 --seconddomain f2 --witnesshost <WITNESSHOST> --witnesshost-user root --witnesshost-pwd **** --witnessdc VSAN-DC