This sample code shows how to acknowledge red and yellow alarms associated with a given datacenter.
How To Run
In order to run this sample code you must provide four arguments: [1] The server name or IP address [2] The user name to log in as [3] The password to use [4] The datacenter name
You will need to get the vim25.jar library from the VMware vSphere JDK. It is in the VMware-vSphere-SDK-5.5.0\vsphere-ws\java\JAXWS\lib directory.
You can run this sample code by downloading the zip file below, unzipping it and running a command similar to the following: java -cp vim25.jar com.vmware.sample.GetAndAcknowledgeDatacenterAlarms <ip_or_name> <user> <password> <datacenterName> For example: java -cp vim25.jar com.vmware.sample.GetAndAcknowledgeDatacenterAlarms JoeUser JoePassword datacenterName
You will see the output similar to the following when you run the sample: Here follows the list of red and yellow alarm(s) Alarm: myAlarmDatacenter - Status: RED - Created: 2014-01-17T00:48:01.336501Z
Acknowledging the following [1] alarm(s) Alarm: myAlarmDatacenter