Program to override vCLS default VM placement and allow/disallow vCLS VM placement on specific datastores. vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS) is a new feature in vSphere 7.0 Update 1. This feature ensures cluster services such as vSphere DRS and vSphere HA are all available to maintain the...
Enable Microsoft VBS on VM using vSphere Java API Microsoft virtualization-based security, also known as “VBS”, is a feature of the Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 operating systems. It uses hardware and software virtualization to enhance Windows system security by creating an isolated,...
Print the Virtual machine network details(Nic name,IPv4,Mac,Nic Key,Portgroup) using vSphere java API. Network Adatpter IP4Address Mac Key Portgroup -- -- -- ...
Creates Virtual Standard Switch in the specified host using vSphere java API. #VSS #vSphere #MIT #VirtualStandardSwitch #vSphereManagementSDK #CreateVSS #vSwitch #Java
This java class is to deploy/import ovf file from a local path. #DeployVMfromOVF #Deployanovafile #Java #DeployOvf #ImportOvf #MIT #vSphereManagementSDK #vSphere
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Program to Export and Import DVS(Backup and restore) using vSphere java API. #vSphereManagementSDK #MIT #Java #ExportVDS #DVSManagerExportEntityTask #ImportVDS #DVSBackupandRestore #DVSManagerImportEntityTask
Clone VM To NSX-T logicalswitch (Opaquenetwork) #vSphereManagementSDK #MIT #clone #Java #clonetoopaquenetwork
Migrate VM To NSX-T logicalswitch( Opaquenetwork). If you want to migrate vm to opaquenetwork in another vcenter , then copy the method(reconfigVMNicConnection()) from this sample and replace into in my another sample -i.e,
Reconfig VM To NSX-T logicalswitch( Opaquenetwork) #MIT #reconfigvmtoopaquenetwork #vSphereManagementSDK #reconfigvmnic #Java #reconfigvmtologicalswitch
1) Migrate a sourceVC powerON/Off VM connected to standard switch portgroup to DVS dvportgroup in a second VC. 2) Migrate a sourceVC powerON/Off VM connected to one dvportgroup to another dvportgroup in a second VC. #MIT #xvmotion #vMotion #vSphereManagementSDK #CrossVC #Java ...