Welcome to the VMware Cloud Sizer Companion CLI! VMware Cloud Sizer Companion CLI is a Python tool developed for assisting customers, consultants, presales engineers, and anyone else for sizing workloads for VMware Cloud. This tool can be used to help you quickly and reliably retrieve sizings...
The SDDC Import/Export for VMware Cloud on AWS tool enables you to save and restore your VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC) Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) networking and security configuration. There are many situations when customers want to migrate from an existing SDDC to a different one. While...
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Python Client for VMware Cloud on AWS Fling is a Python-based tool. Written in Python, the tool enables VMware Cloud on AWS users to automate the consumption of their VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC.\r\n\r\nNote this is not to interact with your VMware Cloud on AWS vCenter but to run tasks such as...
This code sample provides sample code for an end-to-end deployment of VMware Cloud on AWS through Terraform. Code author: Gilles Chekroun gchekroun@vmware.com #terraform #VMC #vSphere #OtherLanguage #VMwareCloudonAWS #MIT
This project is intended to automatically provision infrastructure for events such as Hackathons. Getting Started Prerequisites Software 1+ vCenter instance (6.5, 6.7, & VMware Cloud on AWS account have all been tested successfully) 1+ vSphere ESXi node that is...
Configure a VMConAWS Stretched Cluster for reduced availability by creating the necessary tags, compute, and storage policies to pin a workload in one AZ or the other. See Managing AZ Locality within VMware Cloud on AWS for more details. #MIT #VMwareCloudonAWS #StretchedCluster ...
# Description Terraform files for deploying VMware Folding@Home Appliance fling to your vSphere environment. Currently configured for deployment to a network with DHCP. # Usage Edit the terraform.tfvars file with your vSphere details and OVA location Edit the main.tf file in the fah...
vRealize Network Insight Guide to importing recommended DFW rules to NSX-T or VMC SDDC using Python Script. 4/27/21 - NOTE** Updated to handle paginated results for services and security groups. Updated to populate security groups with IP Memberships. Pre-requisites: Python 3...
In short, this is what vTagSync does: Tag assigned to a VM generates an vCenter event Event is logged on Log Intelligence (aka vRealize Log Insight Cloud) as an alert vRealize Log Insight Cloud forwards the alert to AWS API Gateway API Gateway triggers a AWS Lambda function AWS...
I have seen a number of asks for dashboards that can help with monitoring specific use cases related to VMware Cloud on AWS. With this post, I will share four such dashboards that I have been working on pertaining to VMC monitoring use cases. Special thanks to William Lam for guiding me with...