This script will get the cluster MOID and perform the install NSXV agents on the same cluster #MIT #Python #NSXAPI #NSXforvSphere
Using this script you can register the NSX-V to vCenter server #NSXforvSphere #vSphereAutomation #NSXAPI #MIT #Python
This powershell module contains get-, new- and add- cmdlets for NSX-V 6.4+ on vCloud Director 9.5+ #PowerShell #MIT #vSphere #NSXforvSphere #vCloudDirectorForServiceProviders #vCloud #NSX
vRO Workflows - NSX DFW Rule Export Export the NSX DFW Rules for all layer 3 Distributed Firewall rules to a CSV and (optionally) email this to the user. Full details of the workflows and installation instructions can be found at . Change Log ...
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
( RETIRED ) vRO Workflow - NSX DFW Rule Hit Count Export the NSX DFW Rule Hit Counts for all layer 3 DFW firewall rules to a CSV and email this to the user. Full details of the workflows can be found at . Change Log Updated 10th...
Short PS script to list NSX VIBs and output list to CSV. Prior to NSX 6.2.0, the contains 3 VIBs, esx-vxlan, esx-vsip and esx-dvfilter-switch-security. In NSX 6.3.2 or earlier, there are 2 VIBs, esx-vxlan and esx-vsip. In NSX 6.3.3 and later, there is one VIB, esx-nsxv ...
This dashboard is the new version of the first dashboard available here . With much more resources using vRops 7.0 and the latest NSX management Pack for vRops. Pre-requisites: 1) vRops 7.0 2) NSX Management Pack Steps: 1) Uncompress the file attached and then...
This vRO Workflow Package -> NSX LBaaS contains workflows to cover below items. Create and Delete NSX Edge LB. Update NSX Edge LB Server Pools Add a Virtual Server to an existing NSX edge LB Remove a virtual server from an existing NSX Edge LB Read a virtual server...
This vRO Workflow will add VM to NSX Security Tags and Security Groups. #vrealize #vRealizeAutomation #vRA #vRO #cmbucontest #MIT #vRealizeOrchestrator #NSXforvSphere #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #vROWorkflow
Add VM to SecurityTag and securityGroup.workflow
This vRO Workflow will register NSX Manager to vCenter. Credit: Daniel Linsley #NSX #vRO #NSXAPI #vrealize #cmbucontest #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #vROWorkflow #NSXforvSphere #MIT
Register NSXManager to VC.workflow