Reboots all virtual desktops that have connected users. This script is intended to forcefully refresh the Horizon environment upon demand. Usage: .\HorizonReboot.ps1 -HZNServer "HorizonCS-FQDN" -HZUser "Administrator" -HZNPassword "Password" -HZDomain "Domain.local" #Horizon8 #MIT ...
Export VMware Horizon Sessions to CSV Horizon-Sessions Export VMware Horizon Session Data into .CSV This script will export Horizon Session data into a .CSV file in My Documents Folder. There is no support for this tool - it is provided as-is Please...
3 Comments - no search term matches found in comments.
Returns information on Horizon Instant Clone pool VMs, including space consumed, and hierarchy of Parent, Replica, Template, Snapshot, and Master. Identifies VMs that are potentially orphaned/abandoned by Horizon. Returns information on Horizon Instant Clone pool VMs, including space...
This script connects to a Horizon Connection Server and returns all desktop and app pool entitlement groups & users in the Pod #Horizon #PowerShell #powercli #Apache2.0 #VMware(Code) #powershell #Horizon-ViewPowerCLI