VM Operations Dashboard for vRealize Operations Cloud Use this vRealize Operations dashboard to view VM operations throughout a vSphere environment. VM operations include tasks like create, clone, reconfigure, delete, vMotion, svMotion, power on, power off, reboot, and more
Treating Containers as First-Class Citizens is what vSphere Integrated Containers can offer to IT-(Dev)Ops Teams through instantiating a Container-Image as a Virtual Machine. Therefore you do not have to build out a separate, tailored infrastructure stack and can continue to leverage...
A simple utility that dowloads a report from vRealize Operations. Currently, only the latest report is downloaded
## Screenshots ## Disclaimer This dashboard was build and tested with vRealize Operations 8.1. vRealize Operations Manager Dashboard - WCP namespace resource overview Released in 2020 by Dominik Zorgnotti under MIT license ## How to import 1
For more details check https://www.sajaldebnath.com/2017/06/how-to-push-custom-data-in- vrealize -operations-manager.html #Python #vRealizeOperationsManager #MIT #vCloudSuiteSDKforPython
vRealize Operations Maintenance Mode Places a vSphere Inventory object into maintenance mode in vRealize Operations Example Set All VMs with a name as backup as being in maintenance mode for 20 minutes: Get-VM backup* | Enable-OMMaintenance -MaintenanceTime 20 Name Health ResourceKind Description -- ---- -- --- backup-089e13fd-7d7a-0 Grey VirtualMachine backup-d90e0b39-2618-0 Grey VirtualMachine backup-e48ca842-316a-0 Grey VirtualMachine backup-77da3713-919a-0 Grey VirtualMachine backup-c32f4da8-86c4-0 Grey VirtualMachine backup-c3fcb95c-cfe2-0 Grey VirtualMachine backup-4318bb1e-614a-0 Grey VirtualMachine #vROPS #vRealizeOperationsManager #BSD3-Clause #VMwarePowerCLI #PowerShell
vRealize Operations Maintenance Mode.ps1
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VMware Aria Operations – Custom Energy Consumption Dashboards For details, description and how the dashboards work, please see my blog post: https://thomas-kopton.de/vblog/?p=1538 Installation instruction and the content available on GitHub. VMware Aria Operations Custom Energy Data Dashboards This content is related to: https://thomas-kopton.de/vblog/?p=xxx Prerequisites There are few prerequisites to get dashboards up and running after importing all content into VMware Aria Operations. VMware Aria Operations In VMware Aria Operations following objects need to be created manually: Custom Groups to add Energy Rate and CO2 to kWh ratio custom properties As described in the blog post: https://thomas-kopton.de/vblog/?
A dashboard for vRealize Operations Manager to monitor the VMware Event Broker Appliance in terms of utilization and performance. Monitoring the VMware Event Broker Appliance with vRealize Operations Manager This repository contains the specification files to deploy cAdvisor as a Kubernetes DaemonSet on VEBA as well as the Dashboard and Views (veba-dashboard.zip) for vRealize Operations Manager. To implement everything, please follow the instructions provided through the corrosponding post: https://rguske.github.io/post/monitoring-the-vmware-event-broker-appliance-with-vrealize-operations-manager/ Thanks!
Gihub-Repository here: https://github.com/rguske/vRealize-Operations-Manager-Dashboard-VMware-Update-per-CPU-Pricing-Model/ How to import: Import and enable the Supermetric Import the Views Import the Dashboard I hope it will help you. vRealize-Operations-Manager-Dashboard-VMware-Update-per-CPU-Pricing-Model Reason: Update to VMwares per-CPU Pricing Model https://www.vmware.com/company/news/updates/cpu-pricing-model-update-feb-2020.html Abstract: "While we will still be using a per-CPU approach, now, for any software offering that we license on a per-CPU basis, we will require one license for up to 32 physical cores
vRealize Operations Tenant App provides a REST API for programatic access to pricing policies, bills and raw metrics in the vRealize Operations API
vRealize Operations Tenant App.postman_collection.json