Onboarding VMC Cloud Account in vRA Cloud Environment / Org #VMwareCloudonAWS #vRealizeAutomationCloud #Apache2.0 #vRealizeAutomation #PowerShell #vRA #PowervRACloud
This shows Cloud Assembly integration with AWS Auto-Scale functionality
AWS - AutoScale.yaml
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# Use Case Onboarding vSphere Cloud Account in vRA Cloud Environment / Org # What Tasks does it perform It performs following configuration 1. Validate vCenter Details & Adds Cloud Account 2. Create New vRA Project 3
[Info] Creates Kubernetes (KBs) Cluster For more visit: www.kaloferov.com #Assembly #k8s #vRealizeAutomationCLoud #vRABlueprint #CloudAssembly #Kubernetes #vRAC #BSD3-Clause #vRealizeAutomation #createcluster #vRealizeAutomationCloud #vRealizeAutomation #vRA8
K8S - Create Cluster.yaml
[Info] Offers a choice to deploy 2 types/sizes of volumes. Can deploy up to 20 volumes of each type/size. Allows volume size to be selected individually. Includes a Custom Form template. For more visit: www.kaloferov.com #vRAC #vRABlueprint #Disks #vRealizeAutomation...
Volume - Request Multiple Volumes.yaml
[Info] Blueprint to test all types of remoteAccess. Includes also access via cloudConfig For more visit: www.kaloferov.com #vRA8 #vRealizeAutomationCLoud #Assembly #vRAC #vRealizeAutomation #vRealizeAutomationCloud #CloudAssembly #blueprint #cloudConfig ...
SSH Access (All Types).yaml
[Info] Example of a Multi-Tier app with Load Balancer (LB). Deploys a copy of Tito app For more visit: www.kaloferov.com #CloudAssembly #vRA8 #vRealizeAutomation #vRealizeAutomation #vRAC #Multi-Tier #blueprint #Assembly #LoadBalancer #vRealizeAutomationCLoud ...
Tito - Multi-Tier with LB.yaml
[Description] - Syncs Blueprint(s) to Gitlab: - Syncs when blueprints are versioned or deleted. - Upon Assembly deletion blueprint can be deleted in Git or preserved by setting blueprint option blueprint option blueprintOptionGitDelete - All blueprints can be...
For information on using this Code Stream pipeline please read this blog post: https://veducate.co.uk/vra-deploy-aks-tmc/ This repository contains the configurations for the following; Create a Code Stream Pipeline Create a Azure AKS Cluster Saves SSH keys to Docker Host "SharedPath" folder Create AKS cluster as endpoint in both Code Stream and Cloud Assembly Register AKS cluster in Tanzu Mission Control Prerequisites vRA Cloud access The pipeline can be changed easily for use with vRA on-prem Azure Account that can provision AKS clusters Docker host to be used by Code Stream Ability to run the container image: mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cli Tanzu Mission Control Account that can register new clusters #AKS #OtherLanguage #vRA #vspherewithkubernetes #vRealizeAutomationCloud #vRealizeAutomation #TanzuMissionControl #vRealizeAutomation #Azure #Apache2.0 #CodeStream
Deploy AKS Cluster.yaml
High Level Steps Create a Code Stream Pipeline Create an Google GKE Cluster Create GKE cluster as endpoint in both vRA Code Stream and Cloud Assembly Register GKE cluster in Tanzu Mission Control Onboard the cluster to Tanzu Service Mesh Pre-Requisites vRA Cloud access The pipeline can be changed easily for use with vRA on-premises Google Cloud account that can provision GKE clusters The Kubernetes Engine API needs to be enabled Basic knowledge of deploying GKE This is a good beginners guide if you need You will need to create a Service Account that the gcloud CLI tool can use for authentication A Docker host to be used by vRA Code Stream Ability to run the container image: gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/google-cloud-cli Tanzu Mission Control account that can register new clusters VMware Cloud Console Tokens for vRA Cloud, Tanzu Mission Control and Tanzu Service Mesh API access The configuration files for the pipeline can be found in this GitHub repository Getting Started vRealize Automation - Deploying a GKE Cluster with Code Stream, add to Tanzu Mission Control & Tanzu Service Mesh #vRealizeAutomation #vRealizeAutomationCloud #CodeStream #OtherLanguage #vRealizeAutomation #vRA #GKE #Apache2.0 #TanzuKubernetesGridIntegrated
Deploy GKE Cluster.yaml