Use case: support capacity planning, show back and vm reclamation; output virtual machine resources of all deployments as json. User can use to convert json to csv. This report is generated from an ABX action. Field names are identified dynamically. Sample report,...
Use case: identify hot spots in the environment and manage deployment lifecycle; write deployments and all their action requests with statuses to a csv formatted file. This report is generated from an ABX action. Field names are generated dynamically. Sample report, ABX action and instruction...
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
Version: 1.1 on 2016/11/18 Changes: a: Add More Set Support to config files by $Lang b: Update Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1 to load VI Toolkit c: Performance/Stablility Update This tools is to upgrade tools of specified VMs with Name or Location (Host/Resource Pool...