Treating Containers as First-Class Citizens is what vSphere Integrated Containers can offer to IT-(Dev)Ops Teams through instantiating a Container-Image as a Virtual Machine. Therefore you do not have to build out a separate, tailored infrastructure stack and can continue to leverage...
vRealize Operations Manager Dashboard - WCP namespace resource overview Released in 2020 by Dominik Zorgnotti under MIT license ## How to import 1
This is a collection of scripts to gather information from vCenter server and push that custom data into vROps server so that it will be available as a metric. The primary aim is not the data, but the scripts show how you can push custom data to vROps server. For more details check https:/...
A dashboard for vRealize Operations Manager to monitor the VMware Event Broker Appliance in terms of utilization and performance. Monitoring the VMware Event Broker Appliance with vRealize Operations Manager This repository contains the specification files to deploy cAdvisor as a Kubernetes DaemonSet on VEBA as well as the Dashboard and Views ( for vRealize Operations Manager. To implement everything, please follow the instructions provided through the corrosponding post: Thanks!
Gihub-Repository here: How to import: Import and enable the Supermetric Import the Views Import the Dashboard I hope it will help you. vRealize-Operations-Manager-Dashboard-VMware-Update-per-CPU-Pricing-Model Reason: Update to VMwares per-CPU Pricing Model Abstract: "While we will still be using a per-CPU approach, now, for any software offering that we license on a per-CPU basis, we will require one license for up to 32 physical cores
Today, sustainability is a big concern for all of us and this is also the same for many VMware customers. We introduced our first sustainability dashboards in Aria Operations in 2021 and lot of customers were very happy about this first approach. As always there is more to do, and...
This script enables the sending of all Critical vROps Alerts to your phone using Slack. You run on a Windows or Linux machine somewhere where vROps can reach with POST requests. Prerequisites: Sign up for Slack, create a workspace, create a channel called vrops Get an API...
Adding Virtual Machine advanced settings to custom properties in vRealize Operations What the script does This script collects values from the advanced settings of Virtual Machines objects stored in Virtual Centre and posts them to the matching Virtual Machine object in vRealize Operations Manager The Advanced Setting is set as part of the script and the value is collected from the Virtual Centre Virtual Machine object The StatKey is set as part of the script The Cluster to target is set as part of the script Simple logic checks if the Advanced Setting requested exists against the Virtual Centre Virtual Machine object and if it does not it skips Calls the 'resource.addproperty' method to Post the value to the matching Virtual machine object wihin vRealize Operations Manager Requirements This script requires VMware PowerCLI including the VMware.VimAutomation.vROps module An existing connection to Virtual Centre An existing connection to vRealize Operations Manager Ouput Example PowerShell vRealize Operations Manager Support No support offered or liability accepted use this script at your own risk
This dashboard was built in vROps 8.1 and is designed to be a VM Summary type dashboard. It uses two views: dashboards/blob/master/ dashboards/blob/master/Screen%20Shot%202020-07-30%20at%204...
A simple dashboard that shows the scoreboard of the cluster hosts, health, and the OS distribution of the virtual machines on each host. Dashboard image: #vRealizeOperationsManager ...