A PowerShell Module that provides two functions that interact with the VMware Cloud Services Platform (CSP) REST API. The Get-CSPAccessToken fucntion accepts in a Refresh Token retrieved from CSP and returns API Access Token which can then be used to consume CSP API. The Get-CSPServices ...
A sample that connects to the VMware Cloud Services Platform (CSP) REST API with Refresh Token and retrieves the CSP Access Token and list all available services for given user. ./vmware-list-csp-services.sh $REFRESH TOKEN VMware Code Stream VMware Cost Insight VMware Kubernetes Engine ...
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CSP Development Suite was developed by Microsoft #DDF #development #Microsoft #OtherLanguage #Apache2.0 #AirWatch #SyncML #csp
This is a sample of some of the Local Security Policy CSPs which you can deploy to your devices. To deploy this sample, navigate to **Devices & User > Profile > Add > Windows > Desktop > Device > Custom Settings** , then copy and paste the SyncML into the box and publish...
LocalPolicies-Security options.xml
This is a sample of some of the Power CSPs which you can deploy to your devices. To deploy this sample, navigate to Devices & User > Profile > Add > Windows > Desktop > Device > Custom Settings , then copy and paste the SyncML into the box and publish the profile. #SyncML...
This sample will show you how to deploy the Chrome ADMX template (easily be modified to support any other ADMX template). As well as push out ADMX-backed Chrome policies to the device once the ADMX template is installed. #TechZone #xml #airwatch #chrome #XML #AirWatch #csp ...
This is a sample of some of the Internet Explorer CSPs which you can deploy to your devices. To deploy this sample, navigate to **Devices & User > Profile > Add > Windows > Desktop > Device > Custom Settings** , then copy and paste the SyncML into the box and publish the...