User can use this cloud template to create any appliance on demand. The cloud template has two inputs: 1) imageRef – an online ova file reference 2) ovfProperties – a list of ovf properties that the user wants update. An ABX action retrieves ovf properties in image via a private API call and add...
[Info] In this blog post we are going to look at an ABX action that allows us to run any (Shell, PowerShell, or CMD) script on any Linux or Windows machine deployment in any (Amazon Web Services, GCP, Azure, vCenter) cloud account in Cloud Assembly. Detailed description: ABX Action to Run...
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[Info] Action posts Cloud Assembly deployment info in a Slack channel via OAuth. It posts IP Address and Resource Name. Can be tested from within the ABC Action without deployment payload for more visit #CloudAssembly #BSD3-Clause #Python #extensibility ...
[Info] Blueprint to test all types of remoteAccess. Includes also access via cloudConfig For more visit: #vRA8 #vRealizeAutomationCLoud #Assembly #vRAC #vRealizeAutomation #vRealizeAutomationCloud #CloudAssembly #blueprint #cloudConfig ...
SSH Access (All Types).yaml
[Info] Offers a choice to deploy 2 types/sizes of volumes. Can deploy up to 20 volumes of each type/size. Allows volume size to be selected individually. Includes a Custom Form template. For more visit: #vRAC #vRABlueprint #Disks #vRealizeAutomation...
Volume - Request Multiple Volumes.yaml
[Info] Example of a Multi-Tier app with Load Balancer (LB). Deploys a copy of Tito app For more visit: #CloudAssembly #vRA8 #vRealizeAutomation #vRealizeAutomation #vRAC #Multi-Tier #blueprint #Assembly #LoadBalancer #vRealizeAutomationCLoud ...
Tito - Multi-Tier with LB.yaml
This shows Cloud Assembly integration with AWS Auto-Scale functionality. Sets auto-scaling group for machines, which automatically increases or decreases resources based on configured policies. The stress command will stress the CPU and scale-out the server Blog: Using Cloud Assembly...
AWS - AutoScale.yaml
[Description] - Syncs Blueprint(s) to Gitlab: - Syncs when blueprints are versioned or deleted. - Upon Assembly deletion blueprint can be deleted in Git or preserved by setting blueprint option blueprint option blueprintOptionGitDelete - All blueprints can be...
This Blueprint was originally developed using vRealize Automation 7.4 and CentOS 7 and subsequently updated for vRA 7.5 and then in Aug of 2019 for vRA 7.6. The software components are modular with dependencies. The Kubernetes cluster consists of a single master and 2-5 nodes. Values for the...
Here is an action to update some properties (lease days, archive days, custom properties) of an existing Composite Blueprint. If there are some vSphere components inside, you can also update Property Groups and Custom Properties. #LeaseDays #JavaScript #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK ...