Rename a vRA IaaS virtual machine #vRealizeOrchestrator #vRA #JavaScript #vcac #vrealize #Orchestrator #MIT #vRealizeAutomation #vRA7.0.1 #vRO #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #vRealizeAutomation7 #vRA7.2 #VirtualMachine #vra7 #vRealizeAutomation
PS-SearchVMSettingsforApp or Searching for Applications and Services by targeting guestinfo.appinfo information What the script does This script searches the values contained within the VM advanced setting guestinfo.appinfo for requested applications and services The Application or service variable is set as part of the script The Cluster to target is set as part of the script Simple logic checks if the Application or Service exists in the advanced setting of the Virtual Centre Virtual Machine object. If the Application or Service referenced does not exist this is written out by the script If the Application or Service referenced does exist this is written out alongside version information Requirements This script requires VMware PowerCLI An existing connection to Virtual Centre VMware Tools 11 or higher guestinfo.appinfo information is only collected when configured further information about VMware Tools 11 can be found here Output Example Windows Guest Linux Guest Support No support offered or liability accepted use this script at your own risk
The function will return VM memory overhead for a given Virtual Machine Example: Get-VM " vcenter60-2 " | Get-VMMemOverhead #OverheadMemory #VirtualMachine #vSphere #PowerShell #MIT #VMwarePowerCLI
The vROpsTOP dashboard is meant to be like using ESXTOP to look at host and VM stats. This is not a 1:1 mapping but more of a similar group of metrics found in ESXTOP. One advantage to this dashboard is having a list of the VM's CPU, Memory, Network and Disk info all on one page. This is a...
A simple wrapper script for the ovftool allowing you to easily export your VM from vSphere in OVF format. #OpenVirtualizationFormatTool(ovf) #ShellScript #ESXi #MIT #VirtualMachine #vSphere
Determine whether the given vCenter VM is a template #vRealizeOrchestrator #MIT #vCenter #template #VcenterServer #VirtualMachine #vRO #Orchestrator #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #JavaScript
Use VM-host compatibility checker, which is native to the vCenter plugin, to determine if a host is compatible with a given VM and resource pool. Useful for host-specific placement when cloning directly in vCenter from vRO #vCenter #VcenterServer #VirtualMachine #MIT ...
Returns the VM folder of a given vCenter VM #VcenterServer #vRealizeOrchestrator #Orchestrator #JavaScript #vrealize #VirtualMachine #vRO #vCenter #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #MIT
Reconfigure a vCenter VM so that it generates a new MAC address at the next reboot, given the old MAC. Returns null if no matching MAC address was found on the VM. #VirtualMachine #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #vCenter #vRealizeOrchestrator #VcenterServer #MIT #Orchestrator...
Returns the cluster of a given vCenter VM #vRealizeOrchestrator #vrealize #Cluster #Orchestrator #vCenter #VirtualMachine #vRO #VcenterServer #MIT #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #JavaScript