The VM Troubleshooting dashboard helps you to save time for performance troubleshooting on specific VM. Also, you can easily get information about, Configuration of VM, VM's Peformance Details, Active Alerts on Selected VM, Capacity Time Remaining about CPU, Memory and Disk Space, Capacity Remaining information from Most Constrained object perspective, VM's Workload Pattern, VM's Relationships with other object which will help if any other related object has performance issues, Installation Instructions Unzip VM Troubleshooting with vRealize Operations file. You should have 2 zip files, First import the VMs List with Created Dates View, Go to Dashboards --> Views --> Manage Views then Import the VMs List with Created Dates View, Then Import VM TroubleShooting Dashboard, Go to Dashboards --> Manage Dashboards then Import the VM Troubleshooting Dashboard, It will take 5-10 minutes to complete initial configuration of the VM Troubleshooting Dashboard then the Dashboard should look like below, Dashboard #VMTroubleshootingwithvRealizeOperationsManager #vROPS #vRealizeOperationsManager #vRealizeOpsDashboard #VMTroubleshooting #vRealizeOperationsManager #Apache2.0
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VM Operations Dashboard for vRealize Operations Cloud Use this vRealize Operations dashboard to view VM operations throughout a vSphere environment. VM operations include tasks like create, clone, reconfigure, delete, vMotion, svMotion, power on, power off, reboot, and more
VMs with RDMs Dashboard for vRealize Operations Cloud Use this vRealize Operations dashboard to view all VMs with RDMs
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This dashboard (and 7 views and 1 supermetric) was tested in vROPs 8.3 thru 8.6. vRealize Operations does a good job to show you what the correct number for vCPU/Memory settings should be based on monitoring history
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One-click and you can track all your VMs which in your folders in vCenter and you can see the below information: Regarding Folders: 1- Total Alert Count per folder. 2- Total Count Critical per folder. Regarding VMs: 1- VM Name. 2- OS IP. 3- Total CPU Capacity. 4- CPU...
3 Comments - HI, Find the new updated Dashboard with Views
In this Dashboard you will finde the below: 1- Clusters CPU utilization heatmap. 2-Clusters Memory utilization heatmap. 3- Top-15 Clusters CPU usage with most important Info regarding CPU. 4- Top-15 Clusters Memory usage with most important Info regarding Memory. 5-Top-15 Clusters Data Receive Rate. 6-Top-15 Clusters Data Transmit Rate. 7- Top-15 Clusters Data Usage Rate. 8- Alert Dashboard depend on other dashboard (if you click on any object in dashboard it will show you the alerts which is related to that object)
This dashboard will show you the below: 1- CPU utilization heatmap. 2- Memory utilization heatmap. 3-Top-15 hosts CPU usage with most important Info regarding CPUl like (Host Vendor Name, EVC Mode, Total Cabacity, Usage, Contention%). 4- Top-15 hosts Memory usage with most important Info regarding Memory like (Host Vendor Name, Total Cabacity, Usage, Ballon). 5-Top-15 Hosts Data Receive Rate. 6-Top-15 Hosts Data Receive Rate. 7- Top-15 Hosts Data Usage Rate. 8- Alert Dashboard depend on other dashboard (if you click on any object in dashboard it will show you the alerts which is related to that object)
Use case: identify hot spots in the environment and manage deployment lifecycle; write deployments and all their action requests with statuses to a csv formatted file
1 Comment - Can we specify custom date to export result with in? Does it stored in specific directory?
Dashboard Breakdown First Item - This is a list which I've created to show each cluster, the total VM metric with some expressions attached, the timescale here is fixed by the list view and not affected by the dashboard timeframe
Use this super metric and alert definition to fire an alert whenever a new VM is created. The symptom is configured to cancel after 12 cycles (1 hour). If you need the alert to persist longer than 1 hour, increase the cancel time on the "New VM Created" symptom. #CreateVM #Apache2.0 ...