The following guide is based on using a newly created Kubernetes cluster that plans to use Istio for its service mesh layer. This guide is not intended for backwards compatibility of injecting Istio into a cluster that has pods currently running. View this gist on GitHub #VKE ...
Add features to enhance the developer experience of the VMware Kubernetes Engine CLI vke cli-extended vke wrapper is very experimental so use at your own risk. It is used to to enhaunce the developer experience of the VMware Cloud PKS (formerly VKE) CLI. ...
Add a VKE prompt to your shell `PS1`. Usage Source this script from your runcom file (.bash profile, .bashrc. etc) and, in a new shell, enter $ vke prompt on to display the VKE prompt. Remove the VKE prompt by entering $ vke prompt off Using with kube-ps1 You can...
An bash autocompletion script for the VMware Kubernetes Engine CLI. Usage Source vke bash from your runcom file (.bash profile, ,bashrc, etc.) or source it from your current shell. source vke bash If you're using zsh, the following should allow this...
This is a Homebrew tap for formulae installing the VKE CLI on macOS. Install Assuming you have Homebrew installed, you need to tap this homebrew repo and then brew install the VKE CLI: brew tap ali5ter/homebrew-vke-cli brew install vke-cli Updating Using the Homebrew update...
Scripts used with VMware Cloud PKS (formerly VKE) including: Smart cluster creation and clean up Cluster auth context switching App deployments to smart clusters #MIT #vmcode-cna-devcenter #VKE #VMCPKS-Deprecated #cli #Kubernetes #ShellScript #kubectl ...