The current sample is a Jupyter notebook, which demonstrates integrating VI/JSON in pyVmomi scripts. More precisely: pyVmomi authentication against a vCenter deployment. Acquisition of the session ID from the pyVmomi stub. Event History Collector creation via VI/JSON. Latest events...
A collection of API invocations showcasing the Virtual Infrastructure JSON API (introduced in 8.0 U1) This collection will attach a standalone host to a vCenter deployment, create a virtual machine on the host and power it on. Requirements: 8.0 U1 vCenter instance A compatible standalone...
vSphere Virtual Infrastructure JSON API.postman_collection.json
EXAMPLE OUTPUT: |Filesystem | UsedPct|UsedGB|TotalGB|HardDisk|Partition| |-- | --|--|--|---|--| |/boot | 8.33| 0.04| 0.48| | | |/storage/archive | 0.27| 0.26| 97.92| 13| archive | |/storage/autodeploy | 0.16| ...
Renew-vcsaSignedCert The Renew-vcsaSignedCert will renew the existing VCSA-signed MACHINE CERT certificate. Parameters: $vcenter (vCenter FQDN or IP address) $vc user (SSO Administrator) $vc pass (SSO Administrator password) $duration (Duration in days to renew the certificate; 730...
Set-AdapterMaintOn The Set-AdapterMaintOn function places the vCenter resource into Maintenance Mode in vROps. .SYNOPSIS The Set-AdapterMaintOn function places the vCenter resource into Maintenance Mode in vROps .DESCRIPTION Set the vCenter resource into Maintenance Mode in vROps to...
.SYNOPSIS This function updates the VCSA to the specified version. .DESCRIPTION vCenter Appliance Update Function .EXAMPLE Update-VCSA -vcenter vcsa-lab00.domain.local -ssouser administrator@vsphere.local -vcupdateversion \"\" .EXAMPLE Update-VCSA -vcenter vcsa-lab00.domain...
NSX-T Manager Postman Collection - This zip contains a 141k line JSON to be imported to Postman. May take >5 mins to load in Postman. #NSX-TDataCenter #MIT #NSX-TManagerAPI #POSTMANCollection #NSX-TAPI #NSX-TRESTAPI
vco/api #MIT #vRealizeOrchestrator #POSTMANCollection #Rest
vRealize Orchestrator Server API_8.3.postman_collection.json
Postman collection demonstrating usage of VMware SD-WAN APIv2's configuration API capabilities. This collection introduces APIs for Configuration of Edge device settings (both via profiles and Edge-specific overrides) #POSTMANCollection #VMwareSD-WAN #Rest #MIT ...
Postman collection demonstrating usage of VMware SD-WAN APIv2<\/a>\'s monitoring API capabilities. Please note: As of February 2022, there\\\'s a newer version of this collection that includes configuration examples available here<\/a>. #VeloCloud #Rest ...
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