. ROI Dashboard for vRealize Operations 8.1 and Cloud Use this vRealize Operations dashboard to view total cost of ownership, potential savings, and optimization costs. View cost breakdown by cost drivers, capacity used, and datacenter as well as tracking for...
Super Metrics used by the Reclaimable Hosts Dashboard for vRealize Operations 7.0 and 7.5 dashboard. These super metrics demonstrate the use of floor to round down numbers, min to force a empty metric to 0, and $this to reference metrics for the current object. For...
. Reclaimable Hosts Dashboard for vRealize Operations 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, and Cloud Use this vRealize Operations dashboard to identify clusters with reclaimable hosts and the potential cost savings by reclaiming the hosts. Dashboard ...
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vRealize Automation - Management Service API You can use the reclamation service to query the VMs in an installation for non-usage and, if they are not in use, mark them as eligible for reclamation. Available Use Cases Get VM performance metrics ...
vRA Samples - Reclamation.postman_collection.json