This PowervRNI example script configures SNMP communities for all network devices listed in a CSV file. This example needs PowervRNI, on which more info can be found here: Example CSV: Nickname;NewSnmpCommunity cat3k.lab.local;public cat45k...
This PowervRNI example script adds all the applications listed in a CSV file, for quick and bulk adding a lot of applications at once. This example needs PowervRNI, on which more info can be found here: Example CSV: Application;Tier;Security...
This PowervRNI example script gets a list of IPs with their respective bandwidth usage. This can be useful for billing purposes, where bandwidth utilization needs to be charged. This example needs PowervRNI, on which more info can be found here: ...
vRealize Network Insight Cloud - Guide to deploy vRNIC Proxy (Collector) on VMC SDDC using PowerShell Script. Pre-requisites: * PowerShell version is 6.1 or above. * Connectivity to Internet from where PowerShell script will be executed * Connectivity to VMC SDDC vCenter Private IP over HTTPS...
This sample requests the CMDB items from iTop and imports the applications that are created inside iTop, into Network Insight application constructs. It requires the PowervRNI module to be installed, as it uses it to connect to the Network Insight API. More info on PowervRNI, here: ...
This script uses an input CSV (example: datasource-bulk-import.csv) to add multiple vRealize Network Insight Data Sources. Modify datasource-bulk-import.csv to contain your own data sources (vCenters, NSX, switches, firewalls) and run this script with the param -DatasourcesCSV to your CSV. It...