This package comprises of following workflows: vRA Create Computer Object to OU vRA Delete Computer Object from OU and the supporting configuration and dependent workflow from the library(OOTB workflow which comes along with the vRO instance). This package is part of the blogpost on vRealize Automation, how-to section on to extend Active Directory Integration using Orchestrator workflow. The out-of-the-box capability of the vRealize Automation for Active Directory integration is limited to one OU structure for one Project. This blog allows expanding that capability by means of vRO actions and custom workflow to allow, Cloud Assembly blueprint determines/arrive to an OU based on a user section and passes that info to the Orchestrator workflow to create the computer object. for details on how to configure this capability please visit my blog #JavaScript #Apache2.0 #vRealizeOrchestrator #ActiveDirectory #CustomworkflowforAD #vRA8 #ADintegration
[Custom Resources] Lifecycle Action Create (Custom.Workflow.AD.User): Create a user with a password in an organizational unit (Workflow) Lifecycle Action Destroy: Destroy a user (Workflow) For more visit: #vRA8 #CustomResource #vRealizeAutomationCLoud #ActiveDirectory #vRealizeAutomation #vRealizeAutomation #Assembly #vRAC #UserManagement #CloudAssembly #vRABlueprint #vRealizeAutomationCloud #BSD3-Clause
CR - Create AD User in OU.yaml
See my guide here: #custom #extensibility #stubs #get #7 #vRealizeAutomation #vROPackage #properties #vRO #EventBroker #BSD3-Clause #vRA #workflowtemplate #extend #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK
This vRealize Orchestrator package creates a Dynamic Type (DT) for the management of vSphere Cluster DRS VM Affinity, Anti-Affinity rules and VMGroup to HostGroup Affinity and Anti-Affinity rules. Once the DT namespace created, you can use the provided workflows to create a custom resource within vRealize Automation – Cloud Assembly to manage the DRS rules in a Cloud Template. For more details and installation / configuration instructions see the read me on github: #vROPackage #vRealizeAutomation #MIT #DRSrules #vSphereSDRS #vRealizeOrchestrator #CustomResource #vRealizeOrchestrator #vRealizeAutomation
2 Comments - Sorry for the way it turned out
MCX - Managed Settings Custom Settings (XML) payload to apply basic NoMAD configuration to allow a user to sign in to their AD account and sync their AD password to local
These snippets of shell script were adapted from code provided by a McAfee employee for use in AirWatch. The snippets provide custom attributes that may aid an AirWatch administrator in determining the health of McAfee Endpoint Security/Protection for Mac on a managed device
IMPORTANT: The Microsoft AutoUpdate snippet enables background auto-updates and disables the checkbox for "Insider" builds
1 Comment - For AutoUpdate configuration you can also use the string "AutomaticDownload" instead of "Automatic" to have Outlook automatically download and install updates, instead of just checking
This contains snippets of code that can be entered in a Custom Attribute payload in order to gather additional system-level information: System Integrity Protection Status Operating System Minor Build Version Number Battery CycleCount Battery Health Status #macOS ...
Once the AirWatch Agent runs the scripts, the value for the Office App versions will be reported to the console and viewable in the "Custom Attributes" tab
A sample configuration XML for deploying Office 365 for Business Retail is below, but you can also use Configuration XML Editor to quickly generate this XML, then serialize (Encode) the XML (using XML Tools Plugin on Notepad++ (Convert XML to Text) or any online tool ) before pasting between the <data></data> tags in the custom XML sample. Configuration XML for Office 365 for Business, Current Channel <Configuration> <Add OfficeClientEdition="32" Channel="Current"> <Product ID="O365BusinessRetail"> <Language ID="en-us" /> </Product> </Add> <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" /> </Configuration> Serialized Configuration <Configuration> <Add OfficeClientEdition="32" Channel="Current"> <Product ID="O365BusinessRetail"> <Language ID="en-us" /> </Product> </Add> <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" /> </Configuration> Change Log 7/11/2017: Created Sample for Office CSP 7/27/2017: Updated README Details Section Additional Resources Windows 10 Configuration Service Provider Reference Office CSP Reference Configuration Options for the Office Deployment Tool Configuration XML Editor #XML #Apache2.0 #CustomXMLPayloads #TechZone #windows #office #AirWatch
6 Comments - Thanks for the update! Looks like the "Make Command Atomic" box is checked by default, I thought I had tested with it un-checked but I must not have, because it's working now