[Info] Custom Resources Blueprint. Allows users to select OU or hardcode one. [Custom Resources] Lifecycle Action Create (Custom.Workflow.AD.User): Create a user with a password in an organizational unit (Workflow) Lifecycle Action Destroy: Destroy a user (Workflow) ...
CR - Create AD User in OU.yaml
Once the DT namespace created, you can use the provided workflows to create a custom resource within vRealize Automation – Cloud Assembly to manage the DRS rules in a Cloud Template
2 Comments - Hi does the package work if there are more than one cluster available to the deployment and when there is more than one resource in the template (ie. a scenario where one vm might land on one cluster and another vm lands on a different cluster)?
This clean and intuitive dashboard serves as a beacon, allowing customers to promptly identify situations and, more crucially, dive into solutions. It has been presented at VMware Explore São Paulo: more details: http://www.justait.net/2023/12/sre-dashboard.html #dashboard ...