User can use this cloud template to create any appliance on demand. The cloud template has two inputs: 1) imageRef – an online ova file reference 2) ovfProperties – a list of ovf properties that the user wants update. An ABX action retrieves ovf properties in image via a private API call and add...
. Deploy OpenShift Clusters to vSphere using vRealize Automation vRA Code Stream Pipeline to deploy OpenShift clusters and register with Tanzu Mission Control. Getting started Blog Post - Deploying OpenShift Clusters using vRA Code...
Deploy OpenShift Cluster - Installer Provisioned Infrastructure.yaml
[Info] In this blog post we are going to look at an ABX action that allows us to run any (Shell, PowerShell, or CMD) script on any Linux or Windows machine deployment in any (Amazon Web Services, GCP, Azure, vCenter) cloud account in Cloud Assembly. Detailed description: ABX Action to Run...
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[Info] Action posts Cloud Assembly deployment info in a Slack channel via OAuth. It posts IP Address and Resource Name. Can be tested from within the ABC Action without deployment payload for more visit #CloudAssembly #BSD3-Clause #Python #extensibility ...
[Info] Action posts Cloud Assembly deployment info in a Slack channel via Oauth or Webhook. It posts IP Address and Resource Name. Can be tested from within the ABC Action without deployment payload for more visit #Assembly #vRealizeAutomation ...
[Info] Action posts Cloud Assembly deployment info in a Slack channel via Webhook. It posts IP Address and Resource Name. Can be tested from within the ABC Action without deployment payload for more visit #PowerShell #abx #vRealizeAutomationCloud ...
[Description] - Sends email for requested deployments using AWS Simple Email Service (SES): - Request sender is notified in TO - Can set static CC or BCC email in action inputs For more visit: #vRealizeAutomationCLoud #BSD3-Clause #abx ...
[Info] Blueprint to test all types of remoteAccess. Includes also access via cloudConfig For more visit: #vRA8 #vRealizeAutomationCLoud #Assembly #vRAC #vRealizeAutomation #vRealizeAutomationCloud #CloudAssembly #blueprint #cloudConfig ...
SSH Access (All Types).yaml
[Info] Creates Kubernetes (KBs) Cluster For more visit: #Assembly #k8s #vRealizeAutomationCLoud #vRABlueprint #CloudAssembly #Kubernetes #vRAC #BSD3-Clause #vRealizeAutomation #createcluster #vRealizeAutomationCloud #vRealizeAutomation #vRA8
K8S - Create Cluster.yaml
[Info] Example of a Multi-Tier app with Load Balancer (LB). Deploys a copy of Tito app For more visit: #CloudAssembly #vRA8 #vRealizeAutomation #vRealizeAutomation #vRAC #Multi-Tier #blueprint #Assembly #LoadBalancer #vRealizeAutomationCLoud ...
Tito - Multi-Tier with LB.yaml