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USB Network Adapter... VID:PID matters?

  • 1.  USB Network Adapter... VID:PID matters?

    Posted Nov 13, 2024 05:16 PM

    I have a Lenovo USB network adapter RTL-8153-04 with VID:PID 0x17ef 0x720c, and I have not been able to install ESX 8.0 because the installation does not recognize the network card. In the article at https://community.broadcom.com/vmware-code/viewdocument/usb-network-native-driver-for-esxi?CommunityKey=5d6496d1-215a-4ead-99e1-ff49b96deaf6&tab=librarydocuments, there is a list of adapters, including LENOVO RTL8153 0x17ef 0x720a. My question: Is it possible that my adapter is not being considered compatible? The PID is different from the one on the list (0x720c versus 0x720a). If the answer is yes, could you share an article explaining how to edit the contents of a .VIB file? I have already created two customized ISOs containing the USB Native Driver Fling, both for 8.0 U2 and U3, and nothing!.