We have 160 vSAN vSphere 7.0 U3q clusters with standardised Proliant servers, and another 11 other clusters in Synergy 12000 frames.
Today, I continued to try to fix an ongoing issue where the HPE firmware no longer updates on our vSAN clusters, and today the cluster needed 17 addons to the standard ESXi + HPE primary components - SEVENTEEN!!!
So after an hour lost just trying to find components, the image has now been running for 3 hours CHECKING FOR RECOMMENDED IMAGES!
I give up with single image clusters.
When we upgrade to vCenter 8.0, I will aim to return to Baselines on our 500+ host servers, because you cannot even link single image clusters with identical hardware to a single standard image, you have to import a unique image to each **** cluster, but with Baselines I can add a baseline at the root folder, and all hosts inherit the baseline - I will only be returning to single image clusters when I can link single image clusters to a common image, and single images become more stable.