Original Message:
Sent: Dec 20, 2024 01:26 PM
From: Cyprien Laplace
Subject: ESXi on ARM 8.0U3b emulated 64k
The question has been raised in the ESXi-Arm Fling community as well: https://community.broadcom.com/vmware-cloud-foundation/question/rockyrhel-8x-support-on-esxi-arm-fling-803-243644
The short answer is that a Fling v2.1 update is coming soon, and will have a vmx config option to allow 16 KB and 64 KB granules.
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 17, 2024 04:03 AM
From: Nicolas FERRIEUX
Subject: ESXi on ARM 8.0U3b emulated 64k
I'm facing exactly same issue when trying to install RHEL 8.X on ARM 8 (fling 2.0). It's working on previous fling version ( ARM 7)
If someone found a solution or explanation ?
Thank you,
Nicolas F
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 31, 2024 07:30 PM
From: Lukas Magauer
Subject: ESXi on ARM 8.0U3b emulated 64k
Hey there!
Could it be that in the transition of ESXi on ARM 7 to 8 it lost support of emulating 64k processors on a 4k processor (Raspberry Pi 4b)?
I was able to start RHEL 8 and Rocky Linux 8 VMs before the upgrade.
Now it's showing the following message on boot:

Thanks for still driving this great project!
Cheers, Lukas