UPDATE: From PowerCLI 5.1 these functions are no longer required as they have been included in the *-AdvancedSetting cmdlets.
The following functions are used to retrieve infromation from a VM or multiple VM's advanced configuration or VMX file and also used to Set a configuration for a single or multiple VMs.
Note: The first function was taken from the "VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference" book which can be found here: http://PowerCLIBook.com
function Set-VMAdvancedConfiguration { <#.SYNOPSIS Sets an advanced configuration setting (VMX Setting) for a VM or multiple VMs.DESCRIPTION The function will set a VMX setting for a VM or multiple VMs.NOTES Source: Automating vSphere Administration Authors: Luc Dekens, Arnim van Lieshout, Jonathan Medd, Alan Renouf, Glenn Sizemore Adjusted: 07 June 2012 by Alan Renouf to accept a list of options.PARAMETER VM A virtual machine or multiple virtual machines.PARAMETER Key The Key to use for the advanced configuration.PARAMETER Value The value of the key.EXAMPLE 1 PS> Set-VMAdvancedConfiguration -key log.rotatesize -value 10000.EXAMPLE 2 PS> $file = Import-Csv c:\tmp\Settings.txt -Header Key,Value PS> Set-VMAdvancedConfiguration -vm $VM -OptionList $file#> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $vm, [String]$key, [String]$value, [Array]$OptionList ) process{ $vmConfigSpec = new-object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec If ($OptionList) { $OptionList | Foreach { $Values = new-object vmware.vim.optionvalue $Values.key=$_.key $Values.value=$_.value $vmConfigSpec.ExtraConfig += $Values Write-Host "Adding $($_.Key) = $($_.Value)" } } Else { $vmConfigSpec.ExtraConfig += new-object VMware.Vim.OptionValue $vmConfigSpec.ExtraConfig[0].key = $key $vmConfigSpec.ExtraConfig[0].value = $value Write-Host "Adding $Key = $Value" } foreach ($singlevm in $vm) { $Task = ($singlevm.ExtensionData).ReconfigVM_Task($vmConfigSpec) Write "Set Advanced configuration for $($singleVM.Name)" } } }
function Get-VMAdvancedConfiguration { <#.SYNOPSIS Lists advanced configuration setting (VMX Setting) for a VM or multiple VMs.DESCRIPTION The function will list a VMX setting for a VM or multiple VMs.PARAMETER VM A virtual machine or multiple virtual machines.EXAMPLE 1 PS> Get-VM MyVM1 | Get-VMAdvancedConfiguration#> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $vm, [String]$key ) process{ if ($key) { $VM | Foreach { $_.ExtensionData.Config.ExtraConfig | Select * -ExcludeProperty DynamicType, DynamicProperty | Where { $_.Key -eq $key } } } Else { $VM | Foreach { $_.ExtensionData.Config.ExtraConfig | Select * -ExcludeProperty DynamicType, DynamicProperty } } } }
function Get-VMAdvancedConfiguration { <#.SYNOPSIS Lists advanced configuration setting (VMX Setting) for a VM or multiple VMs.DESCRIPTION The function will list a VMX setting for a VM or multiple VMs.PARAMETER VM A virtual machine or multiple virtual machines.EXAMPLE 1 PS> Get-VM MyVM1 | Get-VMAdvancedConfiguration#>
param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $vm, [String]$key )
process{ if ($key) { $VM | Foreach { $_.ExtensionData.Config.ExtraConfig | Select * -ExcludeProperty DynamicType, DynamicProperty | Where { $_.Key -eq $key } } } Else { $VM | Foreach { $_.ExtensionData.Config.ExtraConfig | Select * -ExcludeProperty DynamicType, DynamicProperty } } } }
The AdvancedSetting cmdlets in PowerCLI 5.1 do not support Import-csv as the function does. This is a very useful feature when trying to add or replace multiple VMX settings. I realize that the new cmdlets could be used in a set of loops to accomplish this task but would very inconvenient compared to the ease of the function. I would recommend VMware consider adding the Import-csv support to a future release of PowerCLI.
As a note, from PowerCLI 5.1 these functions are no longer needed as they are covered by the *-AdvancedSetting cmdlets
Hi Alan,
I have bought the PowerCLI Book and use the above mentioned functions to configure a VMs for a Lab which will run Hyper-V 2012. I used the following commands to configure the necessary VM properties:
$VM | Set-VMAdvancedConfiguration -key "mce.enable" -value "TRUE" $VM | Set-VMAdvancedConfiguration -key "featMask.vm.hv.capable" -value "Min:1" $VM | Set-VMAdvancedConfiguration -key "hypervisor.cpuid.v0" -value "FALSE"
$VM | Set-VMAdvancedConfiguration -key "vhv.enable" -value "TRUE"
The first 3 work as expected butthe last doesn't at anything to the VMs VMX file.
I use ESXi 5.1 last Build with the latest vCenter Appliance.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Best regards
Paul Kratz
thanks for this script. I get the error message
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.At C:\Batch\Scripts\Sven\Set-VMAdvancedConfiguration.ps1:54 char:56+ $Task = ($singlevm.ExtensionData).ReconfigVM_Task <<<< ($vmConfigSpec) + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (ReconfigVM_Task:String) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
the command was
Set-VMAdvancedConfiguration -VM MyVM -key isolation.tools.guestInitiatedUpgrade.disable -value false
best regards, Sven
Hey Alan,
I made a few tweaks to your function call, not sure if you would think its better/worse. I just didnt like that FE loop stuck in there. Let me know what you think, now if we could only get a "Remove-VMAdvancedConfiguration" to work ;-p
Also I changed the display to show "Setting" instead of Key but that obviously could be changed back
Function Get-VMAdvancedConfiguration { <#.SYNOPSIS Lists advanced configuration setting (VMX Setting) for a VM or multiple VMs.DESCRIPTION The function will list a VMX setting for a VM or multiple VMs.PARAMETER VM A virtual machine or multiple virtual machines.EXAMPLE 1 PS> Get-VM MyVM1 | Get-VMAdvancedConfiguration.EXAMPLE 2 PS> Get-VMAdvancedConfiguration MyVM2 -Setting RemoteDisplay.maxConnections#>
param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $vm, [String]$setting )
process{ If ($setting){(((Get-VM $VM).ExtensionData).Config).ExtraConfig | Where { $_.Key -match $setting } | Select @{n="Setting";e="Key"}, Value} Else {(((Get-VM $VM).ExtensionData).Config).ExtraConfig | Select @{n="Setting";e="Key"}, Value} } }