we also isolated vCenter and ESXi from the network and previously used the proxy inside Aria Automation (8.16) to access them. But... last summer we upgraded to vSphere 8.x and... surprise... Aria Automation proxy doesn't work anymore because even if vSphere 8 and the new way go get tickets for the remote console is present for now 2 years, no change have been done on Aria Automation to support this.
In our case we had to reopen access to ESXi to allow users to connect through remote console. And furthermore, because we're using self-signed certificates on ESXi, this means that when opening a remote console, user have to validate the certificate, close the tabs that were opened and re-execute the "remote console" action inside Aria Automation.
But, good news! We've installed Aria Automation 8.18 on our development infrastructure and proxy is working again. But I don't know if 8.18 is "backward compatible" with vSphere 7 tickets... In other words, I don't know if, for example, it could be possible for you to upgrade to Aria Automation 8.18 and still have the possibility to open remote console on vSphere 7.x