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 Add VMkernel to vDS Portgroup

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pamiller21's profile image
pamiller21 posted Jun 21, 2024 02:09 PM

I am trying to make a script to add a vmKernal to a vDS Portgroup but I am getting an error message that I don't understand.

PS /root> $pg999 = ""
PS /root> $pg999
PS /root> New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vHost -PortGroup $pg999 -VirtualSwitch $vDS -IP $DATA999IP -SubnetMask -confirm:$false
New-VMHostNetworkAdapter: 6/21/2024 1:04:10 PM  New-VMHostNetworkAdapter                An error occured but the error message cannot be loaded. The error Id is ViCore_Extensions_ValidateForVNicConnection_NotValidPortgroupType

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LucD  Best Answer

Do you have multiple connections to the VCSA open?
Check what is $global:defaultVIServers

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Did you try getting the Portgroup object, and then using that as the value?

$pg = Get-VDPortgroup -VDSwitch $vDS -Name $pg999
New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vHost -PortGroup $pg -VirtualSwitch $vDS -IP $DATA999IP -SubnetMask -confirm:$false
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PS /root> $pg999 = ""
PS /root> $pg = Get-VDPortgroup -VDSwitch $vDS -Name $pg999
PS /root> New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vHost -PortGroup $pg -VirtualSwitch $vDS -IP $DATA999IP -SubnetMask -confirm:$false
New-VMHostNetworkAdapter: Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.String' required by parameter 'PortGroup'. Specified method is not supported.

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Looks like Get-VDPortgroup is returning more than 1 Portgroup, hence the 'System.Object[]' 
That might be the cause of the original error as well

pamiller21's profile image

You seem right, I run this Get-VDPortGroup -VDSwitch $vDS and I see 2, but if I look visually I only see one. Why tho?

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That was it, so sorry I should have seen I had it connected twice.