Can anyone tell me what a Yellow exclamation triangle in VDR means? VDR has worked well so far but suddemly
I have this Yellow exclamation triangle on the icon of the virtual servers im backing up.
Thanks for your help
yellow normally is a sign of warning, can you go to events, or alarms and try to deduce the error message?
I am using the VDR plugin. There I don't have any tabs with event or alarms.
I only have Backup, Restore, Reports and Configuration.
Can you post a screenshot?
Do you see this trinagle also in the Host & Cluster inventory?
no I don't have it in hosts and clusters
here is the screenshot
It means that the VM has a warning in the backup jobs.
Check in the VDR / Report / Events
in the VDR / Report / Events it shows "no warnings and no errors"
When was the last good backup of that VM?
A yellow triangle generally means the VM has not had a good backup within the last few days (I think it's within the last 3 days).
A red triangle generally means the VM has not been backed up in a week.
You are right. It's been more than 3 days that I had a sucsessful backup.
I'll see what it looks like tomorrow, after backups are beeing made tonight.
I would restart your vDR appliance. Once it fails it isn't likely to fix itself. Restarting occasionally seems to fix this and similar problems. Restart long before the scheduled backup start times just in case the destination disk needs to be verrified.
The first thing I did was restarting the VDR Appliance, but that did not solve the problem.
But today, everything looks good again. A new backup was made a night and all the yellow
exclamation marks are gone.
Thank you all for your help
In which inventory?
Click on VDR node and then go to alarm tab.
Usually is CPU or mem usage when it's doing backup or integrity check.