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  • 1.  WYSE Multimedia Support - Not Supported by Guest?

    Posted Oct 20, 2010 01:43 PM

    Hi, I'm trying to add the WYSE Mutltimedia Support to a Windows 7 Professional guest which is going to be accessed via a WYSE V10L running ThinOS 7. I'm following the instructions described in KB 1001699.

    However when I get to the point of adding the WYSE Multimedia component to the VMware tools installation, I get a the message:

    Warning: Wyse Multimedia Support is not offered for this guest operating system.

    Wyse documentation says it's supported. I've seen identical behavior on both Windows 7 VMs so far.

    Thanks for any thoughts,


  • 2.  RE: WYSE Multimedia Support - Not Supported by Guest?

    Posted Mar 28, 2011 08:32 PM

    If you are using Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate as the VM you shouldnt need TCX MMR as the ThinOS devices support RDP7 and therefore native multimedia redirection as part of the RDP protocol (note that Wyse is the only company to have RDP7 on non-windows).