> I also have Veeam backup software so I’m little concern about ...
Veeam is not a tool that you switch on and forget.
As soon as you have created an automatic backupjob you have a larger risk to lose that VM than you had before.
A VM using using eagerzeroed vmdks only - ideally with mapping-details stored outside of the VMFS is something that will run foine even if you do not look at it for half a year.
When you launch Veeam you can expect that it fails to clean up snapshots once every half year or so.
So you cooperate with Veeam and :
- setup your VMs as simple as possible: all vmdks in the same directory
- used thin basedisks
- check your VMs for errors with MS-shadowcopy providers
- do not use hot snapshots at all and only add cold snapshots when it is really necessary
- and most important - read Veeam-logs every morning - do not let snapshots pile up !!!
If both parties do their part of the teamwork - you will sleep better