Could any one help?
I just installed the HQ Server on windows , all went well , no error, however when I want to start the server it says service not found . Thanks :
C:\ActPerformance\HQ\server-4.6.6\bin>hq-server.bat start
wrapper | The Hyperic HQ Server service is not installed - The specified servic
e does not exist as an installed service. (0x424)
Volume in drive C is Acer
Volume Serial Number is EEBF-9059
Directory of C:\ActPerformance\HQ\server-4.6.6\bin
03/29/2014 08:36 AM <DIR> .
03/29/2014 08:36 AM <DIR> ..
03/29/2014 08:35 AM 185 db-psql.bat
03/29/2014 08:36 AM 217 db-start.bat
03/29/2014 08:36 AM 229 db-stop.bat
06/10/2012 08:30 PM 3,468 hq-server.bat
06/10/2012 08:30 PM 22,475 hq-server.sh
5 File(s) 26,574 bytes
2 Dir(s) 54,550,122,496 bytes free
C:\ActPerformance\HQ\server-4.6.6\bin>hq-server.bat start
wrapper | The Hyperic HQ Server service is not installed - The specified servic
e does not exist as an installed service. (0x424)
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