Hi,i try to install a Windows 11 VM on my ESXI 7.x.Because of TPM the installation failed.I try this:https://www.windowspro.de/brandon-lee/windows-11-einer-vm-vmware-workstation-esxi-installieren#:~:text=Sie%20werden%20feststellen%2C%20dass%20es,ist%20hier%20noch%20nicht%20vertreten.I must configure a key provider...But when i try to set up the VM and try to decrypt the storage of the VM i get a message that i have no license.We have vSphere standard. Is this an enterprise feature?What can i do to install a Win 11 VM?Thanks and RegardsDennis
The solution to this thread should help: https://communities.vmware.com/t5/VMware-vSphere-Discussions/vtpm-and-ESS/m-p/2903212
OK, but i think i need a vSphere Ent. license or?I habe upgrade my cluster to vSphere 7.0.2 and i try to add to my Win 11 VM a TPM.Then i get the license dialog..........Is there an other way?
This works for me......https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/86037