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Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

  • 1.  Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Nov 24, 2011 01:34 PM


    As title why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    I use the ESXi 5.0,504890 Version.

    I had check this from KB,but really have not to see at this version.

    Please help me to check it,thanks.



    As below is from KB,but I cannot see Advanced Options!!!

    The Picture is capture from my VC.

    Applying a VMware HA customization

    To access the various customizations available:
    1. Login to vCenter Server with VMware Infrastructure/vSphere Client as an administrator.
    2. Right-click the Cluster in the Inventory.
    3. Click VMware HA.
    4. Click the Advanced Options button.
    5. Enter Option and Value fields as appropriate (see below).
    6. Click OK.
    7. Click OK again.
    8. Wait for the Reconfigure Cluster task to complete and then right-click the Cluster again from the Inventory.
    9. Click Properties.
    10. Disable VMware HA and wait for the Reconfiguration Cluster task(s) to complete.
    11. Right-click the cluster and Enable VMware HA to have the settings take effect.

  • 2.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Nov 24, 2011 08:17 PM

    Welcome to the Community,

    are you able to resize the "HA Settings" window?


  • 3.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Nov 24, 2011 08:24 PM

    Dear André:

    I have resize the "HA Settings" window,but also not to see.

    It's very strange!!!

    As below is correct screen,but I'am not to see.




  • 4.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Nov 25, 2011 06:43 AM

    Are you using a low or unusual screen resolution? I have experienced that when running the vSphere Client in some screen configurations there seems to be some display bug where some options or information has either been "compressed" or not visible.

  • 5.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Nov 25, 2011 07:19 AM

    Dear Rickard:

    I was check this with other user,still not HA Advanced Options.

    And I also adjust screen size,still can not see.

    It's looks ESXi 5.0 & VC remove this options?




  • 6.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Nov 25, 2011 08:08 AM

    DannyHung wrote:

    And I also adjust screen size,still can not see.

    With screen size, you mean the screen resolution?

    It's looks ESXi 5.0 & VC remove this options?

    No, it is still available on vSphere 5, so there is something strange with your environment that makes this not visible.

  • 7.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Nov 25, 2011 10:25 PM

    Dear Rickard:

    With screen size, I mean like this 800x600、1024x768.

    Thanks for your info,I will double check with my environment,looks some strange!!!



  • 8.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Nov 26, 2011 05:47 AM

    Advanced options are still existing.

    But note that some of then are changed in HA 5.0:

  • 9.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Jan 17, 2012 12:35 PM

    I face the same problem , still without any solution ???

  • 10.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Jan 17, 2012 06:04 PM

    Have u tried by disabling the HA and recheck once again or if you create a new cluster what happens in that scenario.

    Install vSphere client on the different Desktop and then check by connecting the vCenter ru getting that options or not

    Its look like a strange issue have you checked with the VMware for the same.

  • 11.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Mar 06, 2012 11:37 AM


    i had the same issue, changing screen resolution did help. I could not see the advanced button in HA and also i could not see/partially other options like when configuring vmkernel port, i could not see text in options 'configure for vmotion' , it just was not there.

    I have windows7 ent, what i did to fix it is:

    1) go to the screen resolution panel

    Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Display

    2) you will notice there the option "Make text or other items smaller / bigger", click that

    3)I had option 2 selected the Medium 125%,

    4) change it to smaller -100 % , windows will ask you to reboot

    5) After reboot it's working without any problems, i see the advanced button, and al l the text which was missing previously



  • 12.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Mar 06, 2012 12:40 PM

    my current display text setting is " smaller -100 % " already

    but I still can`t see the advanced button in HA

  • 13.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Apr 26, 2012 12:31 PM

    I have Windows XP and it is wokerd for me too. Thanks a lot, Grzesiekk.

  • 14.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Apr 27, 2012 11:53 AM

    No problem dmitryka! enjoy your vi client with THE button :smileywink:

  • 15.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Mar 06, 2012 01:11 PM


    i think that this has to work... I know that might sound weird but...

    Try to change the font to Medium %, ok , reboot, check -> if button is there. If not, Change the screen resolution, reboot, check if the button is there. -> if not then change to font to small %, change resolution to lower  and reboot. -> Check

    If this will not help, then i can't help more as this is the same what i did. I have changed the screen resolutions few times, then the font size, and after this it helped. It worked for me. Do few changes/reboots and tell if that helped.

    Let me know if that helped or you are still having this nasty error.


  • 16.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Mar 06, 2012 01:48 PM

    I try the step  , but still without any improve............

  • 17.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Mar 06, 2012 03:09 PM

    Here is article i have red, it may help..


  • 18.  RE: Why did I not to see the HA Advanced Options in VC?

    Posted Mar 07, 2012 07:29 AM

    That link is regarding something else. It's about changing the advanced options(applying some additional properties to ha cluster). He does not see the button of the advanced options in the first place. I am also wondering if changing resolutions and the text sized helped him as it helped for me.
