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  • 1.  What s best hirarchy for virtulization ?????????????

    Posted May 13, 2009 09:01 PM


    What is the best Hirarchy Structure for thee virtualization ???

    I've max"mm WIN XP few WIN 2003 server, and some are RHEL-5 or Suse Linux.

    We have different department also .

    And our plan is to put server and desktop as well on the virttualization.

    So in which way I can divide all the windows XP, WIN 2003 server, linux server, & department wise ??????????????????

    One more question:What is the use of HA on the Vmware virtualization ???, & without HA is there any use of making "Resource Pool" ???


    Rashid Mustafa

  • 2.  RE: What s best hirarchy for virtulization ?????????????
    Best Answer

    Posted May 14, 2009 04:53 AM

    For virtualization I assume that you will be looking at ESX

    HA is to bring up VMs from a ESX server that has gone down on another ESX server in the cluster -

    This might help explan resource pools and HA also: . The point of a resource pools is to distribute physical server resources appropriately between virtual machines. So you coud put your various virtual machines in to different resource pools to manage them ...

    For virtualized XP Desktops I think you intend something like this?

    Hopefully this information helps a little?