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  • 1.  What is Helper Virtual Machine?

    Posted Jan 11, 2011 02:38 PM

    Hi all,

    I've got a P2V to perform in a few days on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 4, and i was told to use the Helper Virtual Machine but i really don't understand what it is.

    Could someone gave me more informations, because VMware didin't provide me a clear answer with the documentation.


  • 2.  RE: What is Helper Virtual Machine?

    Posted Jan 11, 2011 04:34 PM

    you are right - this is not at all documented - see

    The Helper VM uses the iso-file "converter-helper-vm.iso" - or the 64bit version of the same iso - to start a VM that does the system reconfiguration.,

    P2V of Linux machines only works if the target is ESX , ESXi or Virtual Center.