I am very curious about the above topic.Unfortunately, I don't have a real test environment and can't test it myself.If you have any knowledge about this, please let me know.
Activity in the guest OS should not impact the vMotion, and vice versa.
vMotion is migrating the VM as an object, whatever is happening inside it at the time.
Thank you.I found out that even if a guest OS reboot occurs during vMotion, it does not affect the operation in any way.
By the way, is this information available in the KB?I would like to know if there are any information resources.
I don't know why it would need a KB article, there's not really anything to say other than "it just works, don't worry about it".
It might have been helpful to mention that in your initial post.
I don't speak as an approved authority, I just know you can vMotion a VM no matter what is going on inside it (a BSOD, a boot, a reboot) from having done it.
Thanks. The customer is asking for a rationale/evidence that it works, so I asked, but I'll take the answer that it's not a problem with VMware's specifications.