this confirm that there is an issue perhaps I should update version of VI toolkit I use V1
here is the result I have instance is not recognised as a property
PS 26/03-09:28 > Get-Stat -Stat cpu.usage.average -Entity $esx -Realtime |select-object timestamp,instance, value
Timestamp instance Value
26/03/2009 08:29:20 10.43
26/03/2009 08:29:00 16.04
26/03/2009 08:28:40 34.11
26/03/2009 08:28:20 10.73
26/03/2009 08:28:00 10.62
26/03/2009 08:27:40 9.36
26/03/2009 08:27:20 13.01
26/03/2009 08:27:00 30.59
26/03/2009 08:26:40 27.93
26/03/2009 08:26:20 14.71
and here is the result of get member no trace of instance property
PS 26/03-09:32 > Get-Stat -Stat cpu.usage.average -Entity $esx -Realtime | get-member * -force
TypeName: VMware.VimAutomation.Client20.FloatSampleImpl
Name MemberType Definition
pstypenames CodeProperty System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, ...
psadapted MemberSet psadapted {Value, Timestamp, MetricId, Unit, Description, Entity, get_Value, get_Timest...
psbase MemberSet psbase {Value, Timestamp, MetricId, Unit, Description, Entity, get_Value, get_Timestamp...
psextended MemberSet psextended {MSDN}
psobject MemberSet psobject {Members, Properties, Methods, ImmediateBaseObject, BaseObject, TypeNames, get...
Equals Method System.Boolean Equals(Object obj)
GetHashCode Method System.Int32 GetHashCode()
GetType Method System.Type GetType()
get_Description Method System.String get_Description()
get_Entity Method VMware.VimAutomation.Types.VIObject get_Entity()
get_MetricId Method System.String get_MetricId()
get_Timestamp Method System.DateTime get_Timestamp()
get_Unit Method System.String get_Unit()
get_Value Method System.Single get_Value()
set_Description Method System.Void set_Description(String value)
set_Entity Method System.Void set_Entity(VIObject value)
set_MetricId Method System.Void set_MetricId(String value)
set_Timestamp Method System.Void set_Timestamp(DateTime value)
set_Unit Method System.Void set_Unit(String value)
ToString Method System.String ToString()
Description Property System.String Description {get;set;}
Entity Property VMware.VimAutomation.Types.VIObject Entity {get;set;}
MetricId Property System.String MetricId {get;set;}
Timestamp Property System.DateTime Timestamp {get;set;}
Unit Property System.String Unit {get;set;}
Value Property System.Single Value {get;}
MSDN ScriptMethod System.Object MSDN();