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  • 1.  Web application metrics

    Posted Jun 28, 2009 01:58 PM
    Hello All,

    Need information on what all metrics for a simple jee web application can be provided by hyperic.

    In the doc I saw reference to one of the metrics which is response time - are there other metrics as well?

    If my application has got some information related to metrics with itself - for example:

    1. Total number of custom db pool connections in use
    2. Avg method execution time for a given page
    3. Other performance metrics ...

    How can we push this data to the HQ Server

    Is it necessary to write the hq agents from scratch
    Can we configure hq agents to consume this information
    Do we need to call hq web services for this?

    If we need to customize hq agents we need to know what is the format of the information and how it is being sent over to the server.

    Thank you so much for the info.


  • 2.  RE: Web application metrics

    Posted Jun 29, 2009 06:34 PM
    > Hello All,

    Hi, Shivani.

    > If my application has got some information related to metrics with itself - for example:
    > 1. Total number of custom db pool connections in use
    > 2. Avg method execution time for a given page
    > 3. Other performance metrics ...
    > How can we push this data to the HQ Server

    You simply have to write a plugin for the HQ agent. As you are
    monitoring a JavaEE platform you should be able to accomplish this
    without a single line of code, as you should be able to fetch the
    metrics via JMX (only requiring you to expose them to JMX before).


    Cheers, Bjoern

  • 3.  RE: Web application metrics

    Posted Jun 30, 2009 06:32 AM

    Bjoern is right. I would like to add a link to the JMX documentation:
