The Datastore shwos as inaccessible. When I click on the host and go to Protocol endpoints it shows as blank. However when I click on the datastore it does show the protocol endpoints. Everything looks normal on the storage front. If I create a file volume then it gets mounted and is accessible without any issue. However when I create block volume it goes inaccessible. Below is the error messagein the vvold.log:
2019-01-24T05:10:27.810Z info vvold[2101835] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] HostManager::GetContainerPEAccessibility arrayId: EMC:CKM00171904290, cid: 06c180f1-8474-4da3-b3e5-ca2963264113, accessible: 2,checkAllPEsAccessibility: false containerType: NFS, APD: 0
2019-01-24T05:10:27.810Z info vvold[2101835] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] HostManager::GetContainerPEAccessibility arrayId: EMC:CKM00171904290, cid: b2492970-2397-428c-b125-5604a7a5d548, accessible: 0,checkAllPEsAccessibility: false containerType: SCSI, APD: 0
2019-01-24T07:19:00.031Z info vvold[2101853] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] ProtocolEndpoint::GetPEInfo PE info (
--> SCSI PE, ID (host: Not yet initialized, vasa: rfc4122.60060160-96f1-4400-1664-4e06bca44bbb) (inaccessible, not configured))
2019-01-24T07:19:00.031Z info vvold[2101853] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] ProtocolEndpoint::GetPEInfo PE info (
--> SCSI PE, ID (host: Not yet initialized, vasa: rfc4122.60060160-96f1-4400-41f4-8276d48344c3) (inaccessible, not configured))
2019-01-24T07:19:00.031Z info vvold[2101853] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] SI:GetVvolContainer successful for Datastore, id=rfc4122.b2492970-2397-428c-b125-5604a7a5d548, maxVVol=16777216 MB
2019-01-24T07:19:01.344Z info vvold[2101837] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] HostManager::GetContainerPEAccessibility arrayId: EMC:CKM00171904290, cid: b2492970-2397-428c-b125-5604a7a5d548, accessible: 0,checkAllPEsAccessibility: false containerType: SCSI, APD: 0
2019-01-24T07:19:06.345Z info vvold[2101883] [Originator@6876 sub=Default]