VMware vSphere

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  • 1.  vSphere with Tanzu error loop while enabling

    Posted Nov 08, 2020 12:43 PM


    I've successfully enabled Workload Management in my lab environment (physical) with vDS in a 3 NIC configuration.

    If I now try the same in my production environment it starts immediately with a loop creating and destroying the resourcepool "Namespaces". In the wcpsvc.log I can see the error that the vpxd-extension-xxx user should not exist, but I can see this user in Global Permissions with the role Administrator and it's the user the task is running with...

    2020-10-24T10:57:31.691Z info wcp [opID=5f93f45e-domain-c9] Created workloads RP ResourcePool:resgroup-158764 for cluster domain-c9
    2020-10-24T10:57:31.872Z error wcp [opID=5f93f45e-domain-c9] Could not set read-only permissions on entity ResourcePool:resgroup-158764.
    2020-10-24T10:57:31.9Z debug wcp [opID=5f93f45e-domain-c9] resgroup-158764 is destroyed
    2020-10-24T10:57:31.9Z warning wcp [opID=5f93f45e-domain-c9] Unable to create root entities in vCenter for domain-c9. Err soap.soapFaultError:ServerFaultCode: The user or group named 'vpxd-extension-59ce3109-1e0e-4eef-9587-8b53ed1a2cca' does not exist.

    Does anybody have a suggestion for me?

    Best regards, Volker

  • 2.  RE: vSphere with Tanzu error loop while enabling

    Posted Dec 10, 2020 08:52 PM


    I'm running into the same issue, have you made any progress?

  • 3.  RE: vSphere with Tanzu error loop while enabling

    Posted Dec 11, 2020 05:51 AM

    Hello Cubea,

    Yes, it's runnig!
    I got help from the professional German company evoila. They made a deep dive into my vCenter.
    The said to me that "the localOS was not correct registered as identity provider and therefore the discovery of the vpxd users is not working correctly". They fixed it, I don't know how, and after that the role out of Workload Management worked.

    Best regards, Volker