Hi thanks for reply:
Name : SynetoiSCSI Disk (naa.600144f05d1f0c4d000056b4cfbb0002)
Identifier naa.600144f05d1f0c4d000056b4cfbb0002
Type disk
Location /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600144f05d1f0c4d000056b4cfbb0002
Capacity 2.00 TB
Drive Type HDD
Hardware Acceleration Supported
Transport iSCSI
Owner NMP
Sector Format
Multipathing Policies Edit Multipathing...
Path Selection Policy Fixed (VMware) - Preferred Path (vmhba32:C0:T0:L2)
Storage Array Type Policy VMW_SATP_ALUA
Actually I have to disable the 1G path in order to go in production.
If I anable the 1G path, automatically vmware goes to Active in 1G.
1G: vmhba35
10G : vmhba32