Lifecycle Manager by VMware has done a great job for me. I manage hosts and vCenters world wide in ELM, and it is a mix of Cisco and Dell. You can upload the ESXi patches and firmware into LM and at each Virtual Cluster create an "image" per se, and apply it to the hosts.
The validation that takes place on 7.x and higher will check to see if anything should break, and with DRS, this can be fully automated (except for HyperFlex clusters which you must use HxConnect).
Have you considered Lifecycle Manager, formally known as VUM (VMware Update Manager)?
Also what hardware brands and models do you have?
Love for Virtual Infrastructure!
Please mark as Recommended if this solved your problem. This will help the community find solutions to their problems as well.
VCP-DCV 8.x | VCP-DCV 6.x | CompTIA A+, Net+, Sec+, Proj+ | MCSE | MCSA | MCITP |
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 06, 2024 04:20 AM
Subject: vSAT vSphere Assessment Tool
Hi All,
we have over 100 hosts across the world and 3 vCenters, SRM, etc and previously to cover ESXi Upgrade Compatability assessment at scale we used vSAT as all the hosts have different I/O Devices, CPU, vSAN Disks, Controllers, some dell some HPE etc
vSAT made this a much quiicker task to cover all 100 hosts however not it seems thats gone and only a manual check via VMware Hardware Compatability Guide is the way to do this?
This is going to take a long time as will need to put an inventory together first of all hosts I/O Devices, CPUs etc then check individually. Checked to see if Skyline or Aria have any capability however cant see anything. i know that vCenter now ports in the HCL if you select a Host for example click the "Updates" tab then select "Hardware Compatability" you can select the target version such as 8.0u2 and then analyse however this usually is inconclusive on some components and again x100 hosts is a long way to do it vs the old vSAT at scale option.
Anyone know of an alternative to vSAT now?